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From the year 1 LA, this institution arose, founded in Thurinthian by the then-Sages of the Grand Council. Mirithlen herself, having taken her father's place in the Council of Seven, shared the fruits of her father's research. From that compilation emerged the Four Truths: the cornerstones of the Old Tradition and dogmas that would forever alter the way the future was perceived.

Initially regarded as an offshoot of the then-dominant religion—the Cult of the Dawning Light*’—it devoted itself to reviewing the writings of Lagoran, deemed the indirect progenitor of this philosophical and spiritual movement. For this reason, the Masters of Tradition are sometimes referred to as Lagoranites.

The first Archmaster of this circle of scholars was Lareth Blackveil, a member of the Grand Council at the time. It was Lareth who passionately urged the Masters of Tradition to embrace the importance of accumulating knowledge—be it terrestrial, metaphysical, occult, or spiritual—reflecting the scholarly customs already prevalent in Thurinthian.

By the end of the first generation of Masters of Tradition, the circle had adopted an increasingly spiritual character, grounded in the dissemination of the foreboding Fourth Truth. The widespread acceptance of this religious sentiment led to the Cult of the Dawning Light being entirely absorbed, along with other obsolete philosophies and religions.

The Old Tradition has always been marked by an inclusivity that embraces every facet of Iùrmen’s culture: folklore, knowledge, arts, and religions. Being a philosophy rooted in discovery and the accumulation of knowledge, it naturally assimilated other beliefs, ensuring the preservation of every culture and enriching the diversity of perspectives (and customs) that define the Old Tradition. Yet some spiritual cultures remained independent, such as the Ancient Pagan Cults and the Old Covens. The former distanced themselves for spiritual reasons irreconcilable with the investigative ethos of the Tradition, while the latter resisted due to its ominous inclination towards the occult.



In the world’s darkest hour, the need for steadfast anchors grew.

During the Lunar Age, the Old Tradition stands as one of the principal spiritual pillars, alongside the Lunar Cult. Its heterogeneity of rites and its inclination toward the study of the world and other Planes of existence have elevated the Masters to figures of trust and guidance, sought by the people for aid and counsel.

The ancient keep of the grand fortress of Erven, located in the Eastern Frontier, has become the Temple of Truths—a sanctuary preserving the knowledge of the peoples within its vast library. It serves as a place for sermons and liturgies but also as a training ground for confronting the challenges of the eternal night. Such is its importance that even the Lunar Cult dares not oppose it, despite it being a site of worship detached from Mirithlen's dogmas. Here, new methods of agriculture are explored, knowledge of creatures and horrors threatening Iùrmen is amassed, apotropaic rituals are devised for the people to learn (to protect themselves from the shadow), and studies in craftsmanship and architecture are preserved. The Temple of Truths is a place of prayer, but also a university and a bastion of defense.

The Old Tradition, at present, follows a hierarchical structure. This hierarchy serves not only to delineate the distribution of power within the Order but also to define the roles and expertise of the Masters. Advancement within the hierarchy rarely occurs through mere seniority; instead, it often hinges upon notable achievements in research or deeds of great significance.

This hierarchy includes:

  • Archmasters:

    Figures who ascend to the pinnacle of the Order's leadership. The position has no temporal limit; once elected, an Archmaster holds their role until death—unless their name is stained by infamy. Their seat is in Ervenrun.

  • Masters of the Council:

    Second only to the Archmasters, these figures belong to the Hereditary Council, stationed permanently at the Temple of Truths. The Hereditary Council consists of six Masters and one Archmaster, echoing the Grand Council of Sages that once governed the capital of the First Men, in which Lagoran himself played a role. Only Masters of the Council may aspire to become Archmasters, as the highest rank of the Order is elected from among their number.

  • Grandmasters:

    Esteemed figures subordinate only to the Masters of the Council. Their roles are often defined by the primary expertise that distinguishes each Grandmaster, whether in politics, academic instruction, arcane research, military strategy, medicine, or other domains.

  • Ordinary Masters of Tradition:

    These constitute the majority of the Order’s Masters. They are primarily engaged in the study of Traditions, the arcane, and occult research. They are also the most active in travel and exploration. Alongside the Grandmasters, they are often found at the Order's various outposts scattered across the Known Lands.

  • Apprentice Masters:

    Those wishing to dedicate their lives to the study or spiritual duties of the Order may do so by joining any of its temples or headquarters. Masters keep detailed records of those joining the ranks of the Old Tradition within the hierarchy. Few choose this path, largely due to the dangers inherent in field research and investigations, as apprentices often accompany their Masters in their studies and duties, even on expeditions. When a Master deems it appropriate, they may elevate an Apprentice to the rank of Ordinary Master.

This Order has also given rise to militias, colleges, and martial arts disciplines that, in the time following the Last Sun, serve as pillars of protection for the survivors. Among these are:

  • The Path of the Four Truths:

    Practiced by warrior monks based in Ervenrun, who also undertake expeditions to defend other outposts.

  • The Training of the City Soldiers, known as the Warden of Dead:

    Warriors and sentinels found in nearly every outpost of Iùrmen. Their combined theoretical and martial knowledge enables them to protect defenseless citizens.

  • The Bardic College of Hexes:

    Rooted in traditions predating Sùlen’s departure, it has been revitalized and enriched at Ervenrun.

  • The Paladins of the Oath of Pure Devotion:

    Lagoranite knights acknowledged by the Old Tradition. They are particularly devoted to hunting Blasphemous Priests and purifying the remnants of Lagoran’s mortal shell, now corrupted by the Echoes of Death.



  The creed of the Old Tradition is rooted in the Four Truths revealed by Lagoran. These truths underscore the significance of revealed prophecies and the domains connected to them, such as: the study of Sidìr, the safeguarding of the Primes, the growth and preservation of culture, and the exploration of the occult stemming from the Dark Mirror.

The constant observation of worldly phenomena (and those beyond) aims to prevent the repetition of the First Archmaster’s errors. A prime example of this dedication is reflected in the extensive studies documenting Lycanthropy and Vampirism in Iùrmen, as well as methods of protection against these curses. Moreover, the Masters are credited with unveiling the Prophecy of the Last Moon (though not recognized as a Fifth Truth)—a foreboding prediction of what may mark the end of time. This theory is, to this day, the most widely accepted, even among other ecclesiastical orders and spiritual philosophies.

According to the Old Tradition (a view shaped by the amalgamation of various spiritual inclinations embraced over time), all living beings possess a Spirit, which is in a perpetual state of siege by malevolent forces. This struggle has persisted since long before the Last Sun, but in the dark age to which creatures are now subjected, this erosion is markedly more severe.

The state of a mortal’s spirit must be safeguarded by any means, for it determines the ascent (or descent) at the moment of a being’s departure from their finite form. The wicked, the vile, the corrupt, and those who perish in wrath or violence will see their spirits fall prey to the Echoes. These souls will descend into the icy depths of the Dark Mirror. Conversely, those able to preserve their spirits, even to a modest degree, and who lead upright or humble lives, will linger as shadows within the Ethereal Plane. There, they will await the end of all things, where the possibility may arise to escape and disperse into the infinite energy of Sidìr.

Naturally, these tenets are partially at odds with the doctrines of the Lunar Cult, and on more than one occasion, they have proven a source of friction between the two factions.



Second Era

Lareth Darkveil

Umbrith the Grey

Embros Zith

Malikha Fahnis

Zana the Aresyan

Lunar Age



' The Cult of the Dawning Light is an ancient, extinct faith; it was predominant during the First Era, especially among the First Men.

" The Hereditary Council is the assembly of Masters holding the highest rank, based at the Temple of Truths. Its name derives from its inspiration by the Grand Council, continuing its legacy during the Lunar Age.

"’ Specific literary reference to the Soul Points of Nightfell games.

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